Replacing a Leaking Pipe


The discovery of a leaking pipe can strike any home owner with fear and dread. As a home owner, you may understand the significant amount of damage that a leaking pipe can cause, and you may be wondering what steps you can take to get the pipe repaired quickly and with minimal cost to you. While some home owners may decide to make a leaking pipe repair on their own, the fact is that the best way to repair a damaged pipe is to call our office for assistance. There are a few key benefits that you can enjoy when you allow our professionals to assist with your repair needs.

The Damage That A Leaky Pipe Can Cause
Some leaking pipes will have a slow drip, and others may be gushing water out across your floor. Because pipes are generally concealed behind drywall or underneath cabinets, both slower and more significant leaks can result in damage to cabinetry, drywall, flooring, furniture and more. The longer the water remains in the home, the more likely additional damage from mold growth may be to develop. The fact is that a leaking pipe could result in the need for plumbing repairs, but it also could result in the need to replace drywall, furnishings and more in your home. The best way to repair a leaky pipe is to utilize a method that is fast and reliable.


Fast, Quality Service
When you initially discover signs that you have a leaking pipe, you should take steps to stop the flow of water from the pipe until repairs can be made. With a slow leak inside a cabinet, simply placing a bucket beneath the drip may be sufficient. However, with most types of leaks, you may need to turn off the main source of water to the home. Until help arrives and the leaking pipe repair has been made, it is important for you to keep the water supply to the pipe turned off. Because we can provide fast, quality service that results in the immediate repair of the leak, we are the company to trust for the best results.

Affordable Rates
Some homeowners who are interested in saving money on their repairs may think about making the repairs on their own. However, in many cases, locating the precise location of the leak is necessary, and a professional plumber can utilize advanced diagnostic tools to locate the leaking pipe location. This can save time with the repairs and minimize the need to cut away sections of the drywall searching for the leak visually. In addition, with professional repair services, you can rest assured that the repair will be made right the first time. The last thing you want to contend with is the possibility that the repair is not made correctly with the initial attempt. When this happens, the leak may continue until the repair is made correctly. Because we offer affordable rates, using our service for a leaking pipe repair makes the most sense.

Steps to Replacing a Leaking Pipe:

  1. Switch Off your water supply
  2. Prepare a 2 Joint connector, a saw and additional copper pipes (usually this is what is used in most homes in Singapore)
  3. Use the saw to cut of the leaking portion
  4. Measure the distance of the cut portion and cut a similar piece from the replacement copper pipe
  5. attach the joint to both end of the replacement copper pipe
  6. Attach one end of the joint (with the replacement pipe in place) to the original piping
  7. For the other end use a spanner to force the pipe to fit in.
  8. Once done tighten all areas.
  9. Switch on the water supply and check for leaks. (if there is use white tap to tighten)

The above mentioned steps can be used for a pipe burst repair too since the steps for both are very much similar.

If you have discovered the need to replace a leaking pipe in your home and are wondering what your options are, the best option available is to contact our office for assistance with our pipe leak repair service. We are committed to helping you make all repairs with speed and with quality results, and we also offer highly competitive rates for all plumbing services. Because a damaged pipe can result in the expense of water waste coupled with property damage related to water and mold growth, the best step that you can take is to call our office for leaking pipe repair services at the first sign of a repair issue.

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